Thursday, November 11, 2010

For Mom

Fly away fly away soul. Don't be left behind in this blackened hold.
Rise toward the light that you feel, and leave a trail to be revealed;
to me when my time comes to fly.
After you leave this sinful den.
I will miss your laugh, your voice, my friend.

It has been a hard road to reach the end.
Now that we are here, I don't want to let go,
even though you left me so long, long ago.
Memories are God's gifts to remind of us of chances to get along.
To be together, on this road that was so long.

As is the design, we will not remember the good,
only the bad while we tread this sodden road,
with holes and mud to mire us down.

When you glimpse the streets of gold,
My prayer for you is to remember the times of bliss.
With the man of your dreams, your soulmate, your friend.
Remember the child that you created together, and how you loved her so.
She was surrounded by Jesus, he held her as she cried in the night
over your illness, over the fights.
He held her when she watched you fall,
slump down into the abyss that was filled with alcohol.
He carried her when she heard your lungs exploding inside your chest,
He covered her ears with his voice,
And whispered dreams of love and happiness
Into her mind until she felt his peace

When you could not He could.
When you cared not, He would.
She is a child of God, a blessing born
to two people and one who has shorn
Her love of the child of which she bore.

In your wake, you leave her drowining.
In her own mistakes,her mistrust, her branding.
She is a fighter, a commander until the end
She will raise the troops to rally against
the Traitor who took you in

Her children will know you
But the truth shall not be revealed
For to darken your image to the innocent would be unjust
You had a chance, just like the rest
You chose not to take it, instead to test
The boundaries our Maker put in place
To keep His children from falling out of pace
With His flock, who would live and love Him
Without disgrace.

Forgiveness is His, and His alone,
for He sits in final judgment of all of us.
For you he should feel pity
Because You did not have it in you, to turn away
From the beast that stalked you every day.

Your daughter you see, will rise above.
She will uphold the measures He gave her
Though there will be stumbles along her path
She will not let them obscure her mission
To please Him and raise her chilren to do the same.

For when you couldn't and weren't there,
He was and He will be past the end.
He gave her to you, and from you he will take her back.
He will heal the hurt and patch the wounds.
The scars will remain,
His voice will soften them into a distant memory.

So, Fly away, imbittered soul.
Your journey here has come to a close.
What awaits for you is better than
Anything on this earth that you could ever plan.
Feel His peace, His comfort, His love
Let yourself be engulfed by his embrace
Leave this place
So that we can see you again in the end.

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